New Years Blogging and Reading Resolutions 2017

Welcome to 2017! 2016 was a fun year where I started this wonderful experience called being a book blogger. My writing, reading, and reviewing has improved greatly in the past seven months, but their is always room to improve. So I have made a list of some reading and blogging related resolutions for this new year. Then at the end of 2017, I can reflect on all I accomplished (or did not accomplish).

Reading Resolutions

1. Complete my Goodreads Reading Challenge– Unfortunately I did not complete my Goodreads challenge in 2016 (I read 66 books not including rereads out of the 90 books I wanted to read), so in 2016 I scaled it back. My goal is to read 70 books not including rereads (why doesn’t Goodreads count rereads toward your goal?).

2. Read A Classic At Least Every Other Month-I really wanted to read more classics last year, but this year is going to be the year of classics for me.

3. Read A Variety Of Genres-I feel like I have been only reading fantasy or contemporary books recently, and I want to change that. I want to read more sci fi, more retellings, more diverse books (even if that is not a specific genre), more memoirs, more historical fiction. If you have any recommendations for books in these genres, I would love to hear them!

4. Conquer the Scary Books- Really long books with heavy themes seemed to turn me away in 2016. This year I want to conquer those books and read the books that don’t seem to be the easiest reads.

5. Participate in More Readathons- Sometimes it is difficult to read when I have so many other commitments, so I really want to participate in readathons so that reading is my major commitment for a couple days to a week.

6. Read The Following Books Finally:

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera

Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Scarlet/Cress/Winter by Marissa Meyer

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Any Lauren Oliver book (any suggestions?)

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han

Blogging  Resolutions

  1. Comment More- More often than not, I’ll be reading a blog post and really loving and agreeing with it. I’ll have responses and comments and compliments. I’ll form a comment in my mind before clicking out of the post and forgetting to comment. I love engaging with my fellow bloggers, so I really want to make sure to comment more when I have something thoughtful to comment.
  2. Write More Discussions Posts-I have ideas for discussion posts, it is just a matter of putting words on the page.
  3. Write More Creative Content- I feel like this is every bloggers goal, but it means different things for everyone. I really want to keep putting out content with new ideas and thoughts.
  4. Travel Outside Book Blogs- I love reading book blogs, but I really want to read blogs for my other interests (such as dance or theatre).
  5. Write Regularly and Consistently- I don’t really want to have a strict schedule (posting things every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday), but I do want to post consistently (not going from posting twice a day to twice a month). I want to try to post 3-4 times a week.


Those are some of my blogging and reading resolutions for 2017! What are you looking forward to in 2017? What are some of your resolutions? Can you recommend any classics to me?

Currently Reading: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Instagram: @lucysliterature

Twitter: @lucylitblog1456

Goodreads: Lucy’s Literature


  1. Happy New Year! Great resolutions! A classic I greatly recommend is Tess of the D’Ubervilles even though it is heartbreaking, it is so powerful and I loved it! As for Goodreads not counting your rereads I learned that you have to manually input a completion date. It is a bit tedious, but it’s as if you put extra effort into reading a favorite once more so you gotta put a little extra in to mark that you read it… or something. Anyways, great post!


  2. Please please PLEASE read More Happy Than Not! His next book comes out this month… Just saying. Also, I finished Replica and it was AMAZING, so that is one you could read for a Lauren Oliver book!


  3. Good resolutions! I personally find the commenting is what makes blogging fun – either on my own blog or other people’s. It makes it feel like a proper community then… 🙂


  4. I don’t have defined goals for this year but definitely want to be able to read more or at least have enough free time for my hobbies 🙂
    I hope you’ll achieve all of yours! Patience and hard work will get you there ❤


  5. Those are all great resolutions.

    I feel you on the whole not-commenting-enough thing. I recently cut the number of blogs I’m following in half, because I was having such a hard time engaging with everyone; following fewer (but still a ton) of blogs is giving me more time to comment, and it’s fantastic.

    Can’t wait to see your discussion posts. They’re going to be great!

    Best of luck, and happy new year!


  6. Great goals for the new year!

    I’m currently reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer as well. It’s part of my reading challenge that I decide to do this year. If you like I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore, you can read the next books, too. As usual the book is much better than the movie 🙂

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